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The government wound up paying for the wages of employees who took telephone orders and kept records at his various pizza franchises. * Operated one pizza franchise out of a building Omniplan rented for its work on the NASA contract. Rockwell should have insisted that an outside trustee run the plan, instead of Montijo, according to the lawsuit. * Embezzled money from Omniplan’s health benefits and pension plan, using some of it to buy several Papa Primo’s pizza franchises in Texas and Arizona.

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Other personal expenses unwittingly paid for by NASA included a diamond bracelet, cameras, tires, luggage, membership fees in travel clubs and life insurance premiums.

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* Charged for trips to Mexico, India, Nepal, Switzerland, Holland, Grand Cayman Island, Singapore, Honduras, Argentina, England and Spain. Montijo agreed to forfeit those properties when he pleaded guilty. * Billed for mortgage payments and maintenance costs on two homes in Houston and Tucson, Ariz., and a ski lodge in Mammoth Mountain, Calif. Losses to the government were said to exceed $7 million. He also inflated leasing costs for cars, telephones, graphic reproduction equipment and cameras. * Bought three commercial buildings in the Houston area and rented them to his own company, Omniplan, at inflated rates, passing on the costs to the government.

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